勞斯萊斯嬌娃 Rolls-Royce Baby (1975) 藍光25G


185 件庫存


185 件庫存

[片名] 勞斯萊斯嬌娃 Rolls-Royce Baby (1975) 藍光25G
[格式] 藍光25G
[片裝數] 1
[發音] 英語
[字幕] 中文繁/簡

Rolls-Royce Baby is a 1975 Swiss sexploitation film directed by Erwin C. Dietrich in collaboration with Jesús Franco. The film stars Lina Romay as Lisa, a nymphomaniac model who travels in a Rolls-Royce seeking photo opportunities and sex.

貨號: SH46815 分類: